Personal Addition #27

Do these even get read? Are these even for marks? In that case, a relationship with a once close friend has completely fallen apart and I find myself confused and sad. At the beginning, I thought it was made to be. We had unusual things in common, we were on the same level intellectually, blah blah blah. But as it progressed they drew farther and farther away from me as I grew closer to them. Eventually we confronted the fact that we wanted different kinds of friendships. Because of the trials and emotional ups and downs with this person, I have grown, and while it is true that I have to work on faults of mine I also realized that I am worth much more than I used to allow myself to be. I found that I wanted to deserve better than what I was being given, and that it is okay to be the way I am. Just because one person is not agreeable does not mean that I am totally in the wrong. I am grateful to this person for indirectly making me realize these things and I am terribly sad that we are not as close as we were, but another lesson I am currently learning is that it is okay for two people to grow apart, and that there needs to come a time where I let go of them. So, goodbye.

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