Now What

Everything on my list might change with time. For now I would like to look out for the simple things, like ‘swim in the stars’, ‘catch a firefly’, ‘watch a caterpillar transform’. The bigger things like ‘appear in a music video’ areĀ fun but not oh-so-important. I think the ones I’ll really work for are the things associated with acting. So ‘live a different life’, ‘appear in a music video’, ‘wear a designer dress I was asked to’, etc. are the things I am currently indirectly working towards. Some other miscellaneous things like ‘be a leftie’, or ‘date a foreigner’ will happen on the way without any planning. Okay, maybe the leftie one will require some effort. I don’t think I’ll get everything on my bucket list accomplished but that is not what I want anyway. I won’t be able to do everything I want to in my entire life anyway, I just want to live it. As well as I can. Other goals as in ‘be a mom’, and ‘give grosz-mama her first grand-baby’ are things I would love to have happen, but I am not sure will since they are based on what is expected of me. Right now, at least, I have no interest in getting those things done, haha. However, opportunities to accomplish ‘skydive’ and ‘bunjee jump’ are things I will definitely be on the lookout for. I think I will ask Tina to help me accomplish the ‘watch a caterpillar transform’ since it’s that time of year.

Author’s Note

Growing up I’ve had many bucket lists. About two, to be exact. As time has passed I’ve redone them with things taken away, and things added. Some things I’ve crossed off like fly on a plane, driver’s license, or do a bubble wrap dance. Some things I’ve taken away, like get married. Coming up with fifty things was challenging for me, I rather let things happen instead of being aware of all the things I have yet to accomplish. I can see the pros to it, though. Now I know exactly what I might want and I know that instead of just letting things happen I can make them happen, because now I know what I want. I think that people don’t need a bucket list to make sure they die happy. I think they only need not be afraid of life. We only have a few short years on this planet, and everyone is caught up in bills and careers but there is so much more than getting a family and being able to support them. Take your time before you tie yourself down and then when you do make sure to keep living your life as well. Don’t forget about yourself. Society’s values are fine, but I think people have to remember to think for themselves, to remember that they can make their own values as well, and that they are just as right. Remember to live your life and live it well according to you.